// Wi-Fi Hotspot

Wi-Fi Hotspot

Hotspot is software turns the network into a managed public WiFi . It presents any user with a "landing page" before allowing general access to the internet. They must either enter a unique code, click an "I agree" button or Login with facebook or Instagram.

Who can uses it?

Coffee Shops, Hotels, BBs, Cafes, Pubs and Bars, Camp Sites, Garage Service Centres and so forth. The basic system can be used at any location where access is required within the normal coverage range of a standard WiFi router. System coverage can be extended with additional hardware.

What do the customers see?
  • They connect to your WiFi without any password
  • They open their internet browser or it redirect to and see your own customised landing page (with your business logo and offers as you wish)
  • They select one of the options you have provided to grant them access. Either:
    • Free access on an "I agree" button.
    • Coded access using a unique code (paid for or unpaid)
    • Facebook or Instagram "extra payment needed session"
    • fill the form and access "extra payment needed per session"
    • each access can be limited for certain time –total traffic and speed
What is the benefit if you supply free wifi with this setup?
  • Simply lets free Wi-Fi works for your business !
    • By providing limited bandwidth and time you can share even expensive 20 Mbps between 20 customer at the same time , 1 HR 1 Mbps per user simply you can sell more and supply free Wi-Fi with any order.
    • You can push client to login using Facebook or Instagram then you can capture the email address of the user for advertising and sending client with offer "called it free marketing with your WIFI"
    • Even you can ask client to fill the form then you can collect email , phone number
    • Finally it is unique code for each access rather than giving same Wi-Fi password and people misuse it